Chanticleer's Carol

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Instrumental Only?

SATB choir with organ accompaniment (optional brass quartet). Text by William Austin. A rollicking and joyful carol in 6/8. Great fun! For Easter, sure, but why not Christmas as well!
What does a rooster have to do with Christmas? William Shakespeare explained it well in Act I, Scene One of Hamlet:

Some say that ever 'gainst that season comes
Wherein our Saviour's birth is celebrated,
The bird of dawning singeth all night long:

Shakespeare and Austin were contemporaries, so it's no surprise that they would reference the same legend in their respective works.

The full score and parts are in the EXTRAS (ZIP) file. Trumpet 1 and 2 in B-flat, Horn in F or Trombone (same part), Bass Trombone or Tuba.


All this night shrill chanticleer,
Day’s proclaiming trumpeter,
Claps His wings and loudly cries,
Mortals, mortals, wake and rise!
See a wonder
Heav’n is under;
From the earth is ris’n a Sun
Shines all night though day be done.

Wake, O earth, wake everything!
Wake and hear the joy I bring
Wake and joy; for all this day
Death's dark pall is cast away,
All amazing,
Still stand gazing.
Angels, pow’rs and all that be,
Wake, and joy this Sun to see.

Hail, O Sun, O blessed light,
Sent into the world aright.
Let thy rays and heav’nly pow’rs
Shine in these dark souls of ours;
For most duly
Thou art truly
God and man, we do confess:
Hail, O Sun of Righteousness!