Doubting Thomas
SAB with Organ. An easy-to-put-together and effective setting of the hymn O Filii et Filiae for the Second Sunday of Easter (Gospel lesson: all years). Minimal rehearsal required!
O sons and daughters, let us sing!
The King of Heaven, the glorious King
O'er death and hell rose triumphing,
When Thomas first the tidings heard,
How they had seen the risen Lord,
He doubted the disciples' word,
"My pierced side, O Thomas, see;
My hands, my feet, I show to thee,
Not faithless, but believing be,"
No longer Thomas then denied,
He saw the feet, the hands, the side,
"Thou art my Lord and God," he cried;
How blest are they who have not seen,
And yet whose faith has constant been,
For they eternal life shall win,