Send Me Good Speed This Day Top Pick
For SATB Choir and Organ - a gentle setting of prayers written by Lancelot Andrewes. Written in grateful memory of SJMP founder, Mark Schweizer. Recorded by the composer.
Send me good speed this day: yet if thy presence go not with me, carry me not up hence.
Be with me, O Lord, and speed my way: bring me on my way, bring me to my journey's end, bring me home again.
Lord, be to me alway thy strong hand for my defence: be unto me in Christ mercy for salvation:
teach me with thine all-true word: thy Spirit bring life,
thy comfort 'til the end, and in the end, thy grace.
Send me good speed this day: yet if thy presence go not with me, carry me not up hence.
Be with me, O Lord, and speed my way: bring me on my way, bring me to my journey's end, bring me home again.