SAB Choir and Organ - Also included Two-Part Choir and Organ.
A setting of the Transfiguration text. Mark 9:2-4, 7. Mystical, transcendental, and (dare we say it...) transfiguratory! Your choir will love it! Your clergy will love it! Your congregation will love it! You will get that raise you've been hoping for. The church will decide that you need a paid assistant. The Minister of Christian Education will take a year-long sabbatical . Yes, it's THAT good!
After six days, Jesus led Peter, James, and John
high upon a mountain top and was transfigured before them,
and his clothes became dazzling white,
And there appeared with him, Elijah and Moses.
Then came a cloud, overshadowing them,
and there came a voice,
"This is my beloved Son, O listen."