Richard Proulx

Richard Proulx
Birth / Death Dates
1937 - 2010

A native of St. Paul, Minnesota, Richard Proulx attended the University of Minnesota, MacPhail College of Music, the American Boychoir School at Princeton, and was granted a doctorate (honora causis) by General Theological Seminary of New York in 1994. He served churches in Minnesota, Washington State, and was music director 1980-1994 at the Cathedral of the Holy Name in Chicago. Proulx was a member of the Standing Commission on Church Music of the Episcopal Church during the preparation of The Hymnal 1982, served as music editor for Worship III, as editorial consultant for the New Yale hymnal, and made contributions to recent Methodist, Presbyterian and Mennonite hymnals. He is a widely-published composer, both in this country and in England, and presented concerts and workshops throughout the U.S. and in Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Holland, Switzerland, and Canada.