All Glory Be to Thee Most High

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Instrumental Only?

Unison Choir with Descant, Organ, and Trumpet. A setting of the tune Allein Gott in dr Höh sei Ehr. Text by Nicholas Decius (1522). In the Baroque style with trumpet. Quotes Nun danket alle Gott. Easy and accessible for your small choir.


All glory be to thee, Most High,
to thee all adoration;
In grace and truth thou drawest nigh
to offer us salvation;
Thou showest thy good will to men,
And peace shall reign on earth again;
We praise thy Name for ever. 


O Jesus Christ, our God and Lord,
Son of the Heavenly Father,
O thou who hast our peace restored,
The straying sheep dost gather,
Thou Lamb of God, to thee on high
Out of the depths we sinners cry:
Have mercy on us, Jesus!

O Holy Ghost, thou precious gift,
Thou Comforter unfailing,
From Satan's snares our souls uplift,
And let thy power, availing,
Avert our woes and calm our dread.
For us the Savior's blood was shed;
We trust in thee to save us.