Locus Iste
Anton Bruckner |
SATB, Unison |
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The Day Thou Gavest
David Kelley |
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Jesus Loves Me
Bradley Phillips |
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Jesus Loves Me
Bradley Phillips |
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Mass for Trinity
Carl Haywood |
Congregation |
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Bread of the World, In Mercy Broken
Carlton Young |
2-part mixed |
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Eternal Father, Strong To Save
Richard Shephard |
2-part |
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When Morning Gilds the Skies
Rachel Aarons |
Unison |
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Hymn of Unity
Raymond H. Haan |
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When Christ Broke Bread
Carol Muehlig |
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When Christ Broke Bread
Carol Muehlig |
Unison |
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Glory To The Righteous One
Evelyn R. Larter |
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Let the Same Mind be in You
Thomas Pavlechko |
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Ave Verum Corpus
Sarah MacDonald |
3-part (equal voices) |
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The Legacy of Christ
Robert J. Powell |
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If Ye Love Me
Thomas Tallis |
SATB, Unison |
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How Shall I Sing That Majesty?
Ryan Hebert |
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How Shall I Sing That Majesty?
Ryan Hebert |
2-part mixed |
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Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis
Arlen Clarke |
2-part mixed |
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The Beatitudes
Richard Shephard |
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My Eyes for Beauty Pine
Arlen Clarke |
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Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Jack Warren Burnam |
Unison |
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Set Me as a Seal
Nolan Patrick Reilly |
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At the Name of Jesus
Richard Waters |
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Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis
Arlen Clarke |
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Creator of Beauty and Giver of Light
Mark Schweizer |
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Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
Rachel Aarons |
Unison |
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Creator of Beauty and Giver of Light
Mark Schweizer |
Unison |
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Nearer, My God, to Thee
Georgiann H. Toole |
2-part mixed |
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Eden's Song
Mark Schweizer |
2-part |
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Simple Gifts - SATB
Robert W. Lehman |
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Simple Gifts - SAB
Robert W. Lehman |
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Hymns Made Heavenly - Hymns of Praise
Arlen Clarke |
Congregation |
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From All the Earth Send Up the Song (Psalm 100)
Robert J. Weaver |
Unison |
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Jubilate! (Psalm 100)
Michael Bedford |
Children's Choir, 2-part |
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Now Thank We All Our God
William Allen Pasch |
2-part, Children's Choir |
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All Things Bright And Beautiful
Richard Shephard |
Unison |
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We Are The Lord's
Roland E. Martin |
Unison |
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God of Mercy, God of Grace
Jerry Davidson |
2-part mixed |
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This is the Day
Susan Morris |
5 Oct. Handbells |
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Hymn of St. Thomas Aquinas
Mark Schweizer |
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Sing Praise to God
Rachel Aarons |
Unison |
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Hail to the Lord's Anointed
Robert J. Powell |
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How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds
Vernon Hoyle |
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What Wondrous Love Is This
John S. Dixon |
Unison |
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I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes (Psalm 121)
Ian Higginson |
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Jesus Shall Reign
Rachel Aarons |
2-part mixed, 2-part |
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"National Hymn" for Brass
Mark Schweizer |
Hymn Arr. |
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Tuba Tune
Robert J. Powell |
Organ |
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Sing Praise to God on High (Psalm 98)
Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni |
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