I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Top Pick

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SATB Choir (optional solo) and Organ or Piano. A delicious, (almost ecstatic) setting of Psalm 121. Wonderful writing. Don't let this one go by because you think it's "too hard" for your choir. This sings easily and has repeated material that makes it easy to learn. Ian is a master of melody and this one is a real gem.


I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills;
from whence cometh my help?
My help cometh even from the Lord,
who hath made heaven and earth. 

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved;
And he that keepeth thee will not sleep.
Behold he that keepeth Israel
shall neither slumber nor sleep. 

The Lord himself is thy keeper;
The Lord is thy defense upon thy right hand;
So that the sun shall not burn thee by day,
neither the moon by night. 

The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil,
Yea, it is even he that shall keep thy soul. 

The Lord shall preserve thy going out 
and thy coming in 
from this time forth for ever more.

Glory be to the Father And to the Son, 
and to the Holy Ghost. 
As it was in the beginning 
is now and ever shall be 
World without end. Amen.