Sing Praise to God

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For Unison Choir (with descant) and Organ or Piano. A Hymn-Anthem on the tune: Mit Freuden Zart. A fun keyboard part frames this well known tune. One rehearsal for the choir. The accompaniment is a little trickier, but a great summer anthem.


Sing praise to God who reigns above, 
the God of all creation, 
the God of pow’r, the God of love, 
the God of our salvation; 
with healing balm my soul he fills, 
and every faithless murmur stills: 
to God all praise and glory. 

What God’s almighty pow’r hath made, 
his gracious mercy keepeth; 
by morning glow or evening shade 
his watchful eye ne’er sleepeth. 
Within the kingdom of his might, 
lo! all is just and all is right: 
to God all praise and glory. 

Let all who name Christ’s holy Name
give God all praise and glory; 
let all who know his pow’r proclaim 

aloud the wondrous story! 
Cast each false idol from its throne,
the Lord is God, and he alone: 
to God all praise and glory.