Scores for Small Ensembles

A collection of music that can be performed with a small number of people.  Duets, solos and small ensemble music that sounds great!

Title Composer Voicing(s) Preview
Locus Iste Anton Bruckner SATB, Unison find_in_page
Eternal Father, Strong To Save Richard Shephard 2-part find_in_page
Deck Thyself, My Soul, With Gladness George Friedrich Handel Unison find_in_page
Come, Holy Ghost Thomas Attwood Solo(s), Unison find_in_page
Lead Us Heavenly Father Ian Higginson Unison find_in_page
Lux Aeterna Chris Bearer Solo(s), SATB find_in_page
Bread of Life Lee Barrow 2-part mixed find_in_page
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven Rachel Aarons Unison find_in_page
Creator of Beauty and Giver of Light Mark Schweizer Unison find_in_page
Nearer, My God, to Thee Georgiann H. Toole 2-part mixed find_in_page
Holy Trinity Prayer Paul Ayres 3-part (equal voices), 2-part find_in_page
Holy Trinity Prayer Paul Ayres Unison find_in_page
This Joyful Eastertide Vernon Hoyle Unison find_in_page
Eden's Song Mark Schweizer 2-part find_in_page
With Grateful Heart (Psalm 138) Mark Schweizer 2-part find_in_page
Purge Me, O Lord Thomas Tallis SAB find_in_page
Alleluia Rick Sowash 2-part mixed find_in_page
Agnus Dei Giovanni Battista Pergolesi 2-part find_in_page
Your Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet (Psalm 119) Thomas Pavlechko Unison, 2-part find_in_page
Song of Simeon Orlando Lassus Unison find_in_page
Gesù Bambino Pietro A. Yon Instrumental find_in_page
Gesù Bambino Pietro A. Yon Unison find_in_page
The Stars Looked Down Mark Schweizer Unison, Solo(s) find_in_page
Come Thou, Redeemer of the Earth Richard Shephard 2-part find_in_page
Christmas Joy Mark Schweizer SSA, Unison find_in_page
The Angel Gabriel Richard Shephard Unison find_in_page
These Are They Which Follow the Lamb John Goss Unison, SATB find_in_page
Trisagion Marty Wheeler Burnett Unison find_in_page
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming Bruce Neswick Unison, SATB find_in_page
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Richard Shephard 2-part find_in_page
Come, Let us Sing to the Lord (Psalm 95) Richard Shephard Unison find_in_page
Jubilate Deo (Psalm 100) Ian Higginson Unison find_in_page
From All the Earth Send Up the Song (Psalm 100) Robert J. Weaver Unison find_in_page
Ten Voluntaries Under Two Minutes Arlen Clarke Organ find_in_page
O Come Let us Sing Unto the Lord (Psalm 95) Ian Higginson Unison find_in_page
Come Let us Sing Unto the Lord (Psalm 95) Ian Higginson Unison find_in_page
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Second Service) Sarah MacDonald Unison find_in_page
Jubilate! (Psalm 100) Michael Bedford Children's Choir, 2-part find_in_page
Come, Holy Spirit, Into Our Hearts George Friedrich Handel Children's Choir, 2-part find_in_page
Now Thank We All Our God William Allen Pasch 2-part, Children's Choir find_in_page
Creator Spirit, By Whose Aid Vernon Hoyle SATB, Unison find_in_page
Undivided Mystery Mark Schweizer 2-part, SATB find_in_page
All Things Bright And Beautiful Richard Shephard Unison find_in_page
A Pentecost Prayer Carson Cooman Unison find_in_page
We Are The Lord's Roland E. Martin Unison find_in_page
God of Mercy, God of Grace Jerry Davidson 2-part mixed find_in_page
Balulalow Robert W. Lehman 2-part find_in_page
Sing My Tongue, The Glorious Battle Charles Wood Unison find_in_page
Christ is Made the Sure Foundation Rachel Aarons Unison find_in_page
I Wonder as I Wander Mark Schweizer Unison find_in_page