The Lord Is My Shepherd

Moderately Easy radio_button_checked radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked radio_button_unchecked radio_button_unchecked
Instrumental Only?

Two-part treble choir and piano. Tender and contemporary. Text adapted from Psalm 23 with additional text by the composer.


The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me rest in green pastures.
He has anointed my head, my cup is running over.
His goodness and mercy are mine.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He leads me beside still water;
He makes me lie down.
He revives my soul;
I will dwell in his house for ever.
May the peace of the Lord, which passeth all understanding, surround you as you journey through this life.
Do not be afraid, is the promise that he made, if you believe in him.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He walks through the valley beside me.
His rod and his staff, they bring me comfort.
I will love him the rest of my days.
Do not be afraid, is the promise that he made, if you believe in him.
And I believe in him.