We All Believe

Moderately Easy radio_button_checked radio_button_checked radio_button_unchecked radio_button_unchecked radio_button_unchecked
Instrumental Only?

This paraphrase of the Creed is set to a stirring and singable hymn tune (LEVERETT) by Robert J. Weaver. Can be done in unison (without descant); two-part (unison and descant), or SATB. There is also an optional (Bb) trumpet part and a congregational part (download the zip file for your bulletins) for the fourth stanza. Good any time of year, but especially on those Sundays where the Trinity is the focus.


We all believe in One God, eternal, true, and holy One:
Maker of all things in heav'n and earth both invisible and seen;
The Father, Jehovah, the Ancient of Days,
all perfect Source of pow'r and mercy, all worthy of praise.

And in Christ Jesus we believe: God's only Son, our saving Lord.
Though born of our flesh he is fully one with almighty God on high.
Though crucified, buried, He rose to life that has no end;
from God's right hand he comes in glory as judge and as friend.

And both from infinite God and from Christ, God's only Son,
comes forth the Holy Spirit, Comforter, Sanctifying Fire Divine.
All Three are yet One in the holy mystery of faith
that joins the Church throughout the world with the joy of the saints.

Great Trinity, One holy God: Creator, Savior, Spirit blest!
Your boundless Grace is our hope and strength, ever present, ever new.
We sing alleluia! We raise our song of victory,
for we are one in Christ now and eternally!