Eden's Song

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Instrumental Only?

A setting of a text by Beverly Easterling to the folk song tune O Waly Waly. Two-part (mixed) choir IN CANON and keyboard. Perfect for Creation-tide or Earth Day observances, as well as springtime, summer and Easter season. A delightful "summer choir" one-rehearsal anthem. Also available with a text adapted from Psalm 138.


A memory of Eden stirs,
and walks within the warmth of spring;
It whispers ev'ry hope God has
to Life Eternal, listening.

Stretch past the gloom of winter's grey,
unfurl by faith and not by sight;
to touch the light of length'ning days
that calls thee forth to green delight.

The season of new growth begins,
embrace the promise we all share;
lift ev'ry voice and celebrate,
the living God, who's always there.