Title Composer Voicing(s) Preview
new Irish Blessing Kaye Saunders SATB find_in_page
The Day Thou Gavest David Kelley SATB find_in_page
Let the Same Mind be in You Thomas Pavlechko SATB find_in_page
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis Arlen Clarke 2-part mixed find_in_page
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis Arlen Clarke SATB find_in_page
Evening Prayer Robert Benson SATB find_in_page
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Second Service) Sarah MacDonald Unison find_in_page
Undivided Mystery Mark Schweizer 2-part, SATB find_in_page
The Christ Church Responses Robert J. Powell SATB find_in_page
O Gracious Light Henry Gerike SATB find_in_page
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis Sarah MacDonald 2-part, Children's Choir find_in_page
Sweet Spirit, Comfort Me Crawford R. Thoburn SATB find_in_page
Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love! Robert J. Powell 2-part mixed find_in_page
Be Thou My Vision Edward "Ned" Tipton SATB find_in_page
O Nata Lux Charles Villiers Stanford SATB find_in_page
Evening Prayer Roland E. Martin SATB find_in_page
I Lift My Eyes Unto the Hills (Psalm 121) Mark Schweizer SATB find_in_page
God That Madest Earth and Heaven Robert W. Lehman SATB find_in_page
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis Allen Orton Gibbs SATB find_in_page
The Lord Bless You and Keep You Ian Higginson SATB find_in_page
The Lord's My Shepherd (Psalm 23) Fraser Wilson Hymn Arr., SATB, Unison find_in_page
Preces and Responses (The Tryon Service) Richard Shephard SATB find_in_page
Breathe on Me, Breath of God Robert J. Powell SATB find_in_page
The St. James Service - Preces and Responses Robert J. Powell SATB find_in_page
The St. James Service - Magnificat and Nunc dimittis Robert J. Powell SATB find_in_page
In pace, in idipsum Guillaume Bouzignac SATB find_in_page
Light Ever Gladsome Robert W. Lehman SATB find_in_page
Nunc dimittis Robert W. Lehman SATB find_in_page
In Night's Dim Shadows Robert W. Lehman SATB find_in_page
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee Arlen Clarke Unison find_in_page
Be Gracious to All John Missel SATB find_in_page
Hide Me Under the Shadow of Thy Wings John E. West SATB find_in_page
O Lord, Increase Our Faith Henry Loosemore SATB find_in_page
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis Robert W. Lehman SATB find_in_page
O Gracious Light Robert E. Lee SATB find_in_page
Love Bade Me Welcome Arlen Clarke SATB find_in_page
Suite of Baroque Dances Johann Christoph Pezel Instrumental find_in_page
Lord, Grant Thou Me a Quiet Mind Arlen Clarke SATB find_in_page
O Nata Lux Thomas Pavlechko SATB+ find_in_page
O Taste and See (Psalm 33) Heinrich Isaac SATB find_in_page
Light and Lyfe Immortal Carlton T. Russell 2-part mixed find_in_page
Out of the Wintry Gloom Richard Shephard 2-part find_in_page
Lead, Kindly Light Philip Paluszak SATB find_in_page
O For A Closer Walk Charles Villiers Stanford SAB find_in_page
O Lord, Support Us Carson Cooman SATB find_in_page
Soul of My Saviour Richard Shephard SATB find_in_page
Seek First God's Kingdom Thomas Pavlechko Congregation, SATB, Unison find_in_page
A Prayer for the Night Roland E. Martin SATB find_in_page
The Rain Will Seek the Rivers Robert J. Powell SATB find_in_page
Thou Evermore of Evermore Fraser Wilson SATB find_in_page