Title Composer Voicing(s) Preview
Asperges Me (Psalm 51) Josef Gruber SATB, Unison find_in_page
Miserere mei Deus (Psalm 51) Antonio Lotti SATB find_in_page
Out of the Deep (Psalm 130) Arlen Clarke 2-part find_in_page
Out of the Deep (Psalm 130) Arlen Clarke SATB find_in_page
Bread of the World, In Mercy Broken Carlton Young 2-part mixed find_in_page
God So Loved the World John Stainer Unison, SATB find_in_page
Agnus Dei Anonymous Unison find_in_page
Tantum Ergo Deodat de Severac Unison, SATB find_in_page
Gethsemane Carol Muehlig Unison find_in_page
Gethsemane Carol Muehlig SATB find_in_page
O Saviour of the World John Goss Unison, SATB find_in_page
Adoramus Te Thomas Pavlechko SATB find_in_page
Ubi Caritas Anonymous Unison find_in_page
Drop, Drop Slow Tears Sarah MacDonald 2-part mixed find_in_page
O Bread of Life From Heaven J.S. Bach Unison, SATB find_in_page
Adoramus te Christe Giovanni da Palestrina SATB, Unison find_in_page
Ave Verum Corpus Edward Elgar Unison, SATB find_in_page
Lord, Thee I Love With All My Heart J.S. Bach Unison, SATB find_in_page
God So Loved the World John Goss Unison, SATB find_in_page
Ave Verum Corpus Sarah MacDonald 3-part (equal voices) find_in_page
My Song is Love Unknown Robert J. Powell SATB+ find_in_page
Ave Verum Corpus William Byrd SAB find_in_page
Hymns Made Heavenly - Lent and Easter Arlen Clarke Congregation find_in_page
Partita and Choral Variations on "Ah, Holy Jesus" Robert Benson SATB, Unison find_in_page
The Disciples Knew the Lord Jesus - Lenten Version Mark Schweizer SATB find_in_page
Hymn of St. Thomas Aquinas Mark Schweizer SATB find_in_page
Love Consecrates the Humblest Act Moonyeen Albrecht SAB find_in_page
Drop, Drop Slow Tears Orlando Gibbons SATB find_in_page
Sing My Tongue, The Glorious Battle Charles Wood Unison find_in_page
When Jesus Left His Father's Throne Richard Shephard SATB find_in_page
Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love Arlen Clarke SATB find_in_page
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross Richard Shephard 2-part find_in_page
O Come and Mourn Crawford R. Thoburn SATB find_in_page
O Savior of the World Arthur Somervell SATB find_in_page
Bread of the World John Abdenour Unison find_in_page
Bread of the World Richard Shephard SATB, 2-part mixed find_in_page
According To Thy Gracious Word W.A. Mozart 2-part, SAB, SATB find_in_page
There Is a Fountain Peter Mathews SATB find_in_page
Faithful Cross, Above All Other Orlando Lassus SAB find_in_page
My Song is Love Unknown Mark Schweizer SAB find_in_page
Christ, Our Paschal Lamb John Sheppard SATB find_in_page
O Lord, How Do My Woes Increase (Psalm 3) Orlando Gibbons SATB find_in_page
Were You There? Crawford R. Thoburn SATB find_in_page
The Heavenly Word June Nixon SATB find_in_page
Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow Arlen Clarke SATB find_in_page
O Saving Victim Roland E. Martin SATB find_in_page
Go Not Far From Me, O God (Psalm 71) Niccolo Antonio Zingarelli SATB find_in_page
Agnus Dei Thomas Morley SAB find_in_page
Author of Life Richard Shephard 2-part find_in_page
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed Robert W. Lehman SATB find_in_page